Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Proverbial Learning Curve
See one, do one, teach one. I first heard this famous phrase in medical school. Later in my Dermatology Residency at The Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, it became a way of life. Indeed, the premise for the phrase is simple. You must witness a procedure once, before you can do it yourself and subsequently teach the same procedure to someone else. This same principle applies to just about any hands on type of task. The degree of proficiency, however, ultimately depends on how many times you perform this task thereafter. In Art for example, the more you practice a similar technique, the better it gets. Thus, the concept of the learning curve, simply put, is the process of improving ones skills by repetition. As a self- taught artist, the learning curve is indeed steep. In addition to mastering the individual media, learning how to draw, understanding values, color theory, and composition, one must then develop his own self expression. This means, producing a body of work that consistently demonstrates ones mastery of the medium, subject matter, and philosophy of painting.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
My Daily Walk And More

Everyday I walk approximately 4 miles. Despite the obvious health benefits, there is the psychological impact of the Endorphin rush. This occurs within the first one half hour. I become immersed in introspective thought and seem to lose track of time and space. During this "zone", I think of both the mundane, and spiritual. Indeed, this thought process often allows me to decipher both the personal as well as ponder the metaphysical. Today for example, I thought of the importance of documenting not only my art, but my thoughts and feelings as well. I have always wanted to do this, but never actually sat down long enough to get the job done. The advent of this Blog, therefore, allows me to chronicle my ideas in a more well defined and organized format. It is essentially a diary. I feel blessed to have the opportunity and motivation to begin this process of documentation. Moreover, I have been equally blessed with my education to date. My intensive Liberal Arts experience at Columbia College, for example, has been instrumental in this endeavour. In addition to the obvious benefits of rigrous writing assignments, there is the intangible, yet equally important exposure to the great creative minds in Literature, Art, and Music. Furthermore, my subsequent medical training at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, helped stimulate my left cerebral hemisphere as well. Thus, I am now able to view the world from both an abstract and analytical perspective. This duality can often be observed in my paintings . Although my abstract paintings are usually defined by recurring geometric patterns, I use vivid colors and avoid realistic imagery and perspective . My so called analytical paintings, on the other hand, blend both the real, with the sublime. I am able to accomplish this by using Cubist derived compositional elements in addition to sociopolitical and religous symbolism. Indeed, this dichotomy, truly exemplifies the workings of my so called eccentric mind
Monday, August 27, 2007
An artist must reach some kind of understanding about his own objectives as an artist. Despite involvement in many juried shows, awards, and possibly countless praises about one's work, selling this artwork is another matter. Thus, the same people who praise your work are usually those that make no effort to buy it. Hence, other than falling into the trap of artistic self-pity, the artist must appreciate the only constant that remains, that is, the nourishment he attains by the process of creating art.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Another Day Of Painting
I have continued to paint my analytical painting which features Zoe, my Boxer. It has been slow to develop since the studio is particulary hot and humid during this time of the year in South Florida. In any event, I believe that the final product will be worth my efforts. Yesterday I mentioned the concept of anchor in my painting. An anchor is the predominant image within the composition that immediately draws your attention. It is the headline if you will. I find that one of the crucial elements, which is often lacking, in completely abstract paintings, is the anchoring element. Indeed, one of the reasons that I have added realist imagery into the abstract framework of my paintings, is to create an immediate interest above and beyond the purely decorative. Jamie R Morhaim
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Jamie R Morhaim, Featured Artist On the Florida Artists Registry Website

Please visit: Click on the SALES section and go to THE FLORIDA ARTISTS REGISTRY GIFT SHOP. I am the Featured Artist.
My Next Painting
I started my next painting today. I just got up and started drawing. The painting will be of the analytical variety as opposed vto the geometric architectural type. Im in a more introspective mood. I also get to draw and play with the mixed media more freely, especially, collage. The subject matter will include an anchor painting, as usual. The anchor image is Zoe. She needs to be represented. Sherman always got top billing in paintings. One reason is that hes so much easier to draw. Zoe is more convoluted and these convolutions are more confined to a smaller area. Moreover, the facial expression of a Boxer has been likened to a human and therefore keeps some of the same proportions as the human face. Hence, slight variations in the individual facial features might throw off the likeness.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I have painters block. I guess its the same as writers block and probably has a similar psychological origin. In any event, what do I do to get out of this rut? All suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance for your help, Jamie R Morhaim,
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This painting was created to memorialize the recent passing of my beloved best friend and loyal companion, Sherman, a Bullmastiff. The imagery depicts Heaven anxiously awaiting with open arms. He will truly be missed. Sherman, Rest In peace .
30x40 inches,
Mixed Media on Canvas,
Sherman The Tank

The Factory is composed of Acrylic, Oil Pastel, and Collage on Canvas. It measures, 30X40 inches, it was painted in 2007. Please visit my website: to view my other recent mixed media paintings. I hope you enjoy them. Comments are always welcome.
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